Healthy Eating: 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Power of a Healthy Mindset

Unless you turn your thoughts to happy, healthy things,the suggestive influence of the media's concern for yourhealth will have the power over you. Why do I say that?Well, let's have a look at why you may be apt to take otherpeople's advice, including that of your doctor.

Are you eating right? Are you willing to invest some timeand money in products and supplements that will give youoptimum health - naturally? Or are you the type who thinksyou're too busy and want to eat only those things thattaste good?

It's so simple and easy to just go for the "shot" andforget all the rest. After all, there are so manyconflicting arguments for and against nutrients,supplements and health risks, aren't there?

Consider this. Instead of listening to all those voicesout there, who do not know a thing about you, how abouttalking to yourself?

Do you realize that what you say is super important? Thosewords out there in cyberspace are taken all too often asthe truth. Why? Someone may be speaking the fact that somesort of research has been done and you subsequently tellyourself that must be authentic. That is... until anothernews item announces that this year's flu strain is notwhat the experts had anticipated, and the wrong serum caused more severe symptoms and many more deaths than otheryears.

Take your power back! You are much more in control of yourown health than you may realize! Train your mind to look atall the positive sides of life. You do not HAVE to get theflu every year - even if you did so all the previous years,like clockwork. You can just as easily say to yourself:"this year I'm going to empower my immune system with lotsof great, healthy nutrition. I am going to exercise moreand look at the bright side of life."

Seems very simplistic, doesn't it? But, really it is verysimple. A mindset is really another word for attitude. Anattitude is basically nothing but a conversation withyourself. You can be saying: "I don't feel like tryingsomething new, or getting another opinion." On the otherhand, you could love yourself enough to say: "Hey, I wantto be healthy and feel good. Let's see how I can boost myimmunity."

You can choose to feel better and happier by optimizingyour nutrition. Consider that the options of medicine veryoften are the consequences of an unhealthy mindset.